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Named Arguments in PHP 21 Jul
6 mins
Magic Constants in PHP 08 Jul
6 mins
A Guide to PHP Attributes 02 Jul
17 mins
Saloon SDK Generator 04 Oct
5 mins
Behind the Dev: Diana Scharf 27 Jul
3 mins
Behind the Dev: Caneco 12 Jun
3 mins
Top Hosting Providers for PHP and Laravel (2024) 25 May
7 mins
Behind the Dev: Joe Dixon 24 May
4 mins
Behind the Dev: Jim Seconde 03 May
5 mins
Top 37 YouTube Channels for Laravel and PHP Developers 06 Jan
2 mins
Behind the Dev: Matt Stauffer 01 Nov
4 mins
Behind the Dev: Bosun Egberinde 20 Oct
3 mins
Behind the Dev: Pascal Baljet 11 Oct
7 mins
Working with Markdown in PHP 10 Oct
13 mins
Behind the Dev: Christoph Rumpel 06 Oct
4 mins
Battle Ready Laravel 05 Sep
2 mins
Behind the Dev: Luke Downing 09 Aug
6 mins
Behind the Dev: Dan Harrin 03 Aug
5 mins
Top 39 Laravel & PHP Blogs You Should Be Following 25 Jul
3 mins
How to Create Short URLs in Laravel 07 Jun
9 mins
Round Up: May 2022 03 Jun
9 mins
How to Get Website's Favicons in Laravel 05 May
9 mins
Round Up: April 2022 04 May
9 mins
20 Useful Laravel Tips 03 May
13 mins
What's New in Short URL v7.0.0 22 Apr
4 mins
Round Up: March 2022 01 Apr
8 mins
Round Up: February 2022 01 Mar
11 mins
Round Up: January 2022 01 Feb
8 mins
Type Safe Package for PHP 01 Dec
14 mins
Interfaces vs Abstract Classes in PHP 29 Jul
7 mins
Using Interfaces to Write Better PHP Code 08 Jun
10 mins